Books Written by Baba Amte
Workers University, 1964
Sarvajanik Sansthanche Sanchalan (Management of Public Organisations), 1965
Mati Jagvil Tyala Mat ( Vote for Him that Awakens the soil), 1967
Ujwal Udyasathi (For A Bright Tomorrow), 1969
Karunecha Kalam (Call of Compassion), 1984
Cry, the Beloved Narmada, July 1989
The Case against the Narmada Project and the Alternative Perspective, March 1990.
Tarnowski, A (1963): The Unbeaten Track
Buhler, J. (1967): Les Derniers Les Premiers (The Last , the First), Tribune
Mathai, T. P. (1983): ‘Creative Compassion’ in UNICEF, An Unbeaten Track, UNICEF, New Delhi
D’Monte, D. (1984): ‘On the Amte Road’, The Sunday Observer, U.K., July 1,
Joshi J.R. (1989): ‘His Epic Struggle in Verse’, The Times of India, Ahemdabad (India), 10.3, p.16
Mathew G. and Mane, P.N. (1990): ‘Person and Personalities’ in Tata Institute of Social Sciences, A Journey from Sympathy to Empathy: Baba Amte and his Work, Tata, Bombay
Phanshikar V. (1990): ‘Work is My Religion’, The Hitavada, Maharashtra (India), 8.3.
Phanshikar V. (1990): ‘Close Encounter’, Sunday Mail, Bombay (India), 17.2.
Staffner, Hans (1991): Baba Amte’s Vision of a New India, Mitra Prakashan, Sangamner, (India)
Staffner, Hans (2000): Baba Amte: A Vision of a New India, Popular Prakashan, Mumbai, (India)
Staffner, Hans: Gandhis letzer Junger: Baba Amte - ein Hindu lebt die Bergpredigt
Bajpai, S. (1991): ‘The Last Crusader’, Indian Express, Bombay (India), 20.1
Natarajan B. and Jacob, J. (1992): ‘The Great Motivator: Baba Amte – Spineless, Yet Erect’, The Blooms, October - December
Kulkarni A.S. and Monmonier, B. W. (1993): The Resource Recovery Option in India, University of California, Santa Cruz
Van Den Bogaert M. (1993): ‘The Most Significant Book I Ever Read’, Jivan, May – June, pp 18-19
Speight L. (1994): Baba Amte and His Work: A Life of Service, New River Publications, Ireland
Future (1994): Two Sources of Light on South Asia’s Horizon, 31-32, Spring
Hart, R. (1995): ‘Warrior of Compassion: Movement for compassionate Living’, The Vegan Way, Surrey
Bakshi, R. (1995): ‘The Old Man and The River’, The Sunday Times of India Review
Bakshi, R. (1998): Bapu Kuti – Journeys in Rediscovery of Gandhi, Penguin Books India, New Delhi
Deshpande V. (1996): ‘Throwing Away the Crutches’, The Indian Express, Nagpur, 17.12
Desai, B. (1996): ‘Ageless Activitist’, India Today, Mumbai, 30.11
Hart R. and Tarnowski A: ‘Baba Amte’: Warrior of Peace’, Resurgence, U.K. No. 125, pp.33
De J. Hart, Robert A. (1999): Eco-society, A Historical Study of Ecological Man, Natraj Publishers, New Delhi
Anandwan Website:
Lok Biradari Prakalp, Hemalkasa Website:
Rediff on the Net – Freedom: An Interview with Baba Amte:
Baba Amte – Vanaprastha: http://www.
The Rediff Special – Baba Amte:
The Sigh of A Withering Flower – Baba Amte:
Baba Amte – Warrior of Peace and Non-Violent Action: http:
Baba Amte Receives Internatinal Gandhi Peace Prize:
Speech by Hon’ble Prsedient of India while Conferring the Gandhi Peace Prize for 1999 on Baba Amte – 14th Jan 2000:
Baba Amte in Coversation by Rajeev Mehrotra, Natinal TV, India, 1998
Baba Amte, by Films Division of Government of India, 1981 (awarded prize at Krakov International Film Festival (1981-82)
Baba Amte by Rajeev Mehrotra, Media Art Ltd., India, sponsored by UNICEF 1990, (awarded 1st prize in Indian Film Festival by Honourable President of India)
Baba Amte Lapset, by I. Vehekalahti, EPIDEM Finland, 1983
Gift of Sharing, by Ion Exchange (India) Ltd, 1984
Pathfinders, by C.E.C, U.G.C., Government of India by Reena Mohan
En Inde Un nouveau Schweitzer, (French), by Mrs. Barthelemy, Village sans Frontiers, Paris, 1996
L’Inde heureuse d’ Anandwan, by Nouvelle Planete, Assens, Switzerland, 1988
Narmada a Valley Rises, by Ali Kazimi, Canada (received several International awards in USA, Canada, India etc), 1995
Affinities, by Peter Hagerot and Gunnel Nycander, Sweden, Perspective film, Stockholm, Sweden
Earth Matters, by Doordarshan, National Television Network, Government of India, 2000