Cultural Centre
Muktangan, established in 1974, is a centre for cultural activities. This is where the community marriages take place at Anandwan. It also includes a reading room, a children's park and a shelter home for animals. In 1999 the Anandwan Emporium Sales Centre was opened here.
Satellite Projects of Anandwan
A number of projects have been established in the close vicinity of Anandwan. These include:
Salori Project, established in 1952, at a distance of 11 kilometres from Warora, comprises an outreach programme with technical and handicraft training for rehabilitation of challenged people. It also has sales outlet of Anandwan products.
Khambada Project, established in 1962, at a distance of 23 kilometres from Warora, is engaged in rural development, training and technology transfer for rehabilitation of leprosy patients. It also has a sales outlet of Anandwan products.
Chinora Project, established in 1975, at a distance of 3 kilometres from Warora, is engaged in technical training for handicapped and rehabilitation of orphans and children of leprosy affected persons.
Chaiti Devali Project, established in 1999, is dedicated to technical and handicraft training and rehabilitation of leprosy cured persons, blind, handicapped and unemployed youth.