The Somnath Project began as a leprosy rehabilitation centre in 1967, in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra. Baba's vision was that cured leprosy patients would till the land and produce grain for the entire Maharogi Sewa Samiti (MSS) family. The project began on 1371 acres of land alloted by the state government. The land was a degraded forest that had to be reclaimed manually inch by inch to make it suitable for agriculture. Over the years, Somnaths's mandate has been to grow enough grain for all MSS projects for the current year, for the current year, for the coming year and a surplus. Baba told the Somnath project volunteers "You have the land, you will get no funds. With your effort, grow on this land". Somnath has risen to the challenge superbly. In the year 2000-01 for instance, 3500 quintals of paddy was produced here.